Superstitions Related to Sex in India

Superstitions Related to Sex in India?

There are certain things that people follow blindly without knowing the real cause behind it. Some of these superstitions are also around sex, sexuality, and intercourse in India. Are you also blindly following any rule in your sex life? Let’s tell you a list of superstitions in India related to sex.

Having Sex with a Virgin Girl Can Cure HIV AIDS

This is a superstition widely prevalent in Indian society due to unawareness. Even movies like “Lakshmi” which pictures child-trafficking and sex-racket in India has busted this myth. Also, the younger the virgin, the more potent the recovery will be. This is totally a false notion taking several girls to prostitution and rapes.

HIV Versus Body Piercing and Tattooing

Oh! Piercing can give you HIV AIDS! Never! HIV is spread through sexual intercourse or blood interaction from the infected person to a healthy body. If your piercing tool is new, you are unlikely to get HIV through tattooing or piercing. HIV that stands for Human Immuno- Deficiency Virus is spread through a virus which has nothing to do with piercing or getting a tattoo. So, go for your tattoo styling without fear of getting HIV. Yes, but, beware of infections and unsterilized instruments!

The Average Penis Should Be 8-10 Inches Something

Do you have an obsession with large size? More or less often, it is assumed that a bigger penis gives more sexual satisfaction to women. This is wrong! An average vaginal canal measures 4 inches so the “bigger the better” is not true. No need to be obsessed with the large size as the average penis is 5-6 inches -unsexed.

A Woman’s Vagina Tells How Many Partners She Had?

Every vagina has different shapes and sizes. It grows according to age. Simply muscular construct of the vagina makes it flexible to large objects. It can stretch temporarily to any size. For example -while giving birth to a child. So, don’t believe when someone says or you read anywhere on the internet that having multiple partners, a partner with a large penis size, or using large sex toys can lose a woman’s vagina. The tightness or lose nature of a vagina depends on the genetics, age, diet, hormonal levels and of course the fit between the partners!

Having Sex in Certain Positions Cause Pregnancy with Male Child

In patriarchal societies that India dominantly is –it is believed that having sex in certain positions while chewing “paan” or something can make female pregnant with a male fetus. This is all wrong! Having a male or female child is natural and keeps the balance of the human race. So, if you are following such a position to get a boy please stop!

Male Player is “All in All”

In India, male sexuality is all. Most men don’t even care whether a female is sexually satisfied during intercourse or not. Also, the male is the main sex-initiator. Being sexually open for a female is often misconstrued as being characterless. This greatly influences the sexual life of partners even after marriage. But, this has no scientific proof. To have a sexually healthy life and healthy relationship between partners, the sexual intimacy of both partners is equally important.

Moving Legs Should Be Considered “Sexual Desire’?

Openly or hesitantly, million in India believe that moving the legs of a person means he or she desires sex. Such misconceptions don’t have a basis. So, avoid it if someone tells that some other person is thinking of sex just because they are moving the legs.

Women Must Be Controlled Sexually

Many Brahmanical traditions in India believe that women should be controlled sexually. Although society is widely changing with the younger generations, women are still treated as objects of sexual attraction for men in India. This is one of the biggest reasons behind the increasing number of rapes in the country. The sexuality of a female doesn’t have the power to influence or dissuade men from their goals. So, such interpretations in scriptures, portraying women as sexual distractions of men are –superstitious. Religious preaching making women a potential disruptor for men’s sexuality is misleading in Hinduism.

Sexual Intercourse during Eclipse Gives Malformed Child

Many religious traditions prohibit sexual intercourse along with eating and drinking, during Solar or Lunar Eclipse in India. It is widely believed that children having cleft lips are born because of having sex during the eclipse.

Only a Beautiful Wife Can Give You Certain Level of Sexual Satisfaction

India has an obsession with white skin, fairness, and beauty of women. Women are expected to look good just to fulfill the sexual desires of a man. This is a widely followed superstition as a female’s beauty doesn’t have to do anything with male sexuality.


Don’t follow anything blindly. Following superstitions in sex will certainly not improve your sex, life. Religious beliefs, timing, eclipse, and such things don’t have to do anything with the libido or hormones. It may also create tension with your partner if he or she is well aware.

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