Dealing with Post-Menopause Symptoms

Dealing with Post-Menopause Symptoms: Diet, Vitamin Supplements & Lifestyle Changes

When periods stop after a certain age, a lot of biological changes happen inside women’s body. Although it gives a sense of relief to women who are fed up till this age handling periods; it also gives a sense of loss of fertility, associated post-menopausal problems, and emotional swing.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is the end of periods or a woman’s menstrual cycle. With menopause, women see a natural decline in reproductive hormones. Generally, Menopause occurs at the age of 40-50 years. Menopause can be confirmed on diagnosing absence of periods for a year. Some symptoms include –vaginal drying, irregular periods, loss of breast fullness, hot flashes, mood swings, slowed metabolism, weight gain, and thinning of hair or dry skin. Menopause is a natural process like periods and cannot be avoided.

However, proper diagnosis, post-menopausal stress management, a healthy lifestyle, and balanced diet can help a woman go through the process more smoothly.  Make sure that you follow a healthy lifestyle and act as soon as you feel any signs of menopause.

How Post-Menopause Symptoms Can Be Managed?

Although most women see a reduction in postMenopause symptoms with time, some may feel uncomfortable. You must go to a doctor if you feel something is painful or intolerable. Some medications that can be advised are hormones, vitamins, and other nutrients. Hormones are considered to be the most effective treatment as Menopause is the result of hormonal changes. Some symptoms like hot flashes, headaches, bloating can be controlled through proper medication.

Estrogen to Treat Post-Menopause Symptoms

The most preferred hormone is “Estrogen” which is administered to the patient through vagina or in the form of pills, depending on the condition. This treatment is available in the form of cream, ring or tablet. It is used to release small doses of estrogen that is absorbed by the vaginal tissue to relax symptoms.

Extreme deficiency of hormones can also lead to seizures, and nervous disorders. To treat such problems, Drugs like Gabapentin, Neurontin and Gralise can help to treat seizures as well as other symptoms of postMenopause hormonal unbalance. Some other clonidine drugs are used to treat blood pressure and hot flashes. After considering your case thoroughly and recommending some diagnostic tests, doctor can advice you the right prescription of drugs. Some other treatments include Vitamin D to cure Osteoporosis which is a major issue after menopause. Vitamin E supplements soothe the hormonal problems.

When to Seek Treatment for Post-Menopause Problems?

A woman in the age of 40-50 years can experience irregular periods, weight gain, hot flashes, vaginal drying, low bone mass, pain in joints, and more. If you or anyone around is suffering from such problems, you must consult a Gynecologist. A doctor will prescribe you some medications along with advice. Follow the prescription and stay healthy.

When Post-Menopause Symptoms are Normal

If the signs and symptoms are not causing any pain or not hampering your daily activities, there is no need to worry. However, cases like hot flashes, joint pain, and seizures should be given immediate attention.

Side-effects of Post-Menopause Treatment

Most doctors prescribe hormone therapy to cure symptoms of post-Menopause problems. However, prolonged use of hormone therapy is associated with Cardiovascular and Breast Cancer risks. So, you should not go for a prolonged hormonal therapy. Instead, a healthy lifestyle and some doses of Vitamin E & Vitamin D can help you deal with problems. Hormonal therapy should be the last resort to go for. Some medications may also cause temporary redness, irritation in skin, and rashes.

Can Healthy Lifestyle Help You Deal with Post-Menopause Stress?

Lifestyle can bring a miracle after Menopause. A morning walk for 30 minutes in sunlight and some aerobics or Yoga can not only heal you physically but also emotionally and mentally. Proper diet is a cure for many problems. So, start taking diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, rice, pulses, meat, and nuts. Unless you feel unmanageable don’t go to doctor. Remain active and healthy by avoiding stress, smoking, drink, and sleeplessness.

How Menopause Can Be Treated?

There is no treatment for Menopause as it is a lifelong condition. It cannot be cured to regain periods or other postMenopause symptoms. Treatment is just given to soothe the symptoms and facilitate a slow transition into convenient lifestyle after menopause.

Alternative Treatments to Manage Post-Menopause Symptoms

There are no some alternative treatments to the menopause-stress. They include remaining in cool and fresh environments, following right lifestyle, proper sleep, change in diet, and lower intake of caffeine. Since Menopause is a permanent biological change no medicine can treat the symptoms permanently. Medicines are prescribed to treat the stress and extreme difficulty of patient. However, the lifestyle, diet, and exercise can give a slow but prolonged relief. To remain active workout, walk in Morning Sunlight, and avoid smoke or drugs. Stay away from stress as much as possible and sleep properly.

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