Myths about Periods in India

Is Menstruation Disgusting in India? Myths about Periods

Period-shaming leaves solid psychological impact on minds of millions of young girls across world. Many feel shy on this discrimination, some may feel embarrassing, and other may feel anguish. Young girls are taught to hide their periods from the very first periods.

Shaming periods has not only loss of human resource potential of women for India,, but also health burden. There is a need for further menstrual conversation. So, let’s start busting myths around menstruation. It will help societies come for the protection and care of young menstruating girls.

Let’s count one-by-one myths:

Menstruating Women Pollute Gods

Sabrimala Temple (Kerala) and Shani Shingnapur Temple (Maharashtra) issue (women from the age of 13-49 are denied entry because they will pollute gods) is the live example of discrimination against menstruating women. God has gifted woman with unique creative capacity. Why this should be shamed? God himself doesn’t discriminate among his Bhakts. So, denying or forbidding entry to menstruating women in temples is violating the law of nature created by God himself.

No One Should Interact with Menstruating Women

Menstruation is not a communicable disease. So, menstruating women will not spread any disease if you interact with them. So, break the taboo that no one should interact with menstruating women just because they are “unholy”, “disgusting”, or “impure”.

Menstruating Women Are Dirty

During periods a proper hygiene can be maintained. Menstruating women are not dirty and they will not transfer their “filth” on anyone if someone interacts with a girl who has her periods.

Food or Pickle will Spoil if Menstruating Women Touch It

Food and pickles may rot of contaminate with a woman having periods don’t maintain proper hygiene, don’t wash off her hands, or touches the items after changing pads without washing hands. A woman having periods is equally clean like a woman not having periods if she maintains proper cleanliness. So, this is only myth.

Flowers will Wither if Menstruating Women Touch It

Flowers are offered to Gods. This is major reason women are considered polluting flowers. No flower withers if a menstruating woman touches it. These myths have crept into society to systematize discrimination against women.

Menstruating Women Should Stay Away from Kitchen

In many homes, women having periods are given separate room, made to sleep on floors or mats, and even considered untouchable. Although with increasing nuclear families, such customs are waning, there is need to bust such myths in rural and more conservative families. Washing hands and proper bath is enough to remain clean during periods and nothing in kitchen can contaminate food or edibles with the menstruation of a woman.

Bathing under Shower during Periods will Stop Your Fertility

Another myth is that bathing under rain or shower can stop fertility. Such myths were created when there were only natural sources of water divided by the same community. A bath by menstruating woman in Lake, Pond, or River might pollute the water-body. But, in households with piped water and separate bath, there is no logic to follow this custom.

Burning “Periods Material” Makes Woman Infertile

Some communities forbid burning used sanitary pads, clothes, or other such items. It is believed that burning used materials for menstrual hygiene can make a woman infertile for entire reproductive cycle. However, these are baseless taboos that should be avoided. Government of India has installed incinerators in public places to tackle the environmental pollution caused by sanitary pads.

Bleeding Women Should Not Wash Their Hair

If you are comfortable with washing hair you can go for it. Some women might feel biological changes and headache on washing hair during periods. If it is the case with you, it can be avoided. But, following this norm just because some grand old ladies have advised you is not a rule to go with.

Men Shouldn’t See Your Sanitary Pads

Every boy becomes a responsible man, father of a daughter, husband of a woman, and so on. Men have the most critical role to play in society. So, they must be aware about biological nature of woman, what periods are, and how to take care of a woman during periods. This will not only ease the stress of women during periods but also make a healthy family and society. Men should be sanitized about the periods to deal with women with more dignity, to decide at the workplace, and in families as well.

Using a Tampon/Menstrual Cup will Break Hymen

Some have myth that using a tampon makes a girl lose her virginity. Some people wonder “how does a tampon fit within vagina?” Isn’t it long? Do women pull out tampon with tweezers? There are abundant questions around periods, just because of lack of proper information.

Women Can’t Pee with Sanitary Pads/Tampons

Another myth about female reproductive system considers that vagina and urinary tract opening are same like men. Don‘t quip!

Women Shouldn’t Do Certain Things during Periods

Some people believe that women shouldn’t exercise, run, or swim during their periods. This is yet another myth to be busted. Some say women should eat ice or cold food during periods as it will cause the blood to be chunky. Women shouldn’t drink too much fluid during periods as it will increase their blood flow.

Pads Shouldn’t Be Disposed in the Same Bins

Another taboo is that period’s pad shouldn’t be disposed off in the same bin we use regularly at home or office. Sanitary pads need to be kept unseen.

Time has come to stop following certain rules at homes, offices, and schools which might be advised by other ladies, grand old ladies of the surrounding, Dadi/Nani, or even Mom.

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