21 June Yoga Day Special: How to Carry on Enthusiasm of Yoga Day?

“YOGA is the blessing of God to the mankind”. As a Yoga Day Special, we are going to wade through the impact of yoga on a person’s health and how it benefits the day-to-day life. Yoga, the fitness mantra for many, was developed in India by ancient sage Patanjali (Father of Yoga). Yoga is mentioned in oldest sacred text of Hinduism –Rig Veda. It is considered more than 5000 year old intangible heritage of Indus Valley Civilization.

On call from the Hon’ble Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the adoption of Yoga Day, the United Nation General Assembly declared 21st June as “INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY”.

So, why Yoga has so much significance?

Significance of Yogasana

The first thing that you hear while starting yoga is “Asana”. Asana is a practice of scientific body postures that stimulate our subconscious mind, and lethargic body. Yogasanas are not exercises; rather it’s a complete fitness package which gives you a healthy and happy life. Each and every asana are different from each other, and has its own benefit. One can change their life completely in a positive way through yoga. It gives you the real feel of the freedom which one cannot get anywhere in the world.

When you start practicing Yogasana, you would feel a positive change in your attitude and emotions. The results of Yogasana are proven to revive or prevent from many diseases which are difficult to cure by any other medication in modern world. It gives you a stable mind. Helps you feel calm and relaxed.

Why 21st June is Celebrated as International Yoga Day?

  • This day is the longest day of the year and also has special importance in many ancient civilizations of world along with Hinduism.
  • This is also the day of Summer Solstice i.e. from Yogaic perspective this time is the best time for meditation.

The International Yoga Day Celebration: This day is supported by various global leaders and celebrated by more than 170 countries with a special theme every year.Yoga is a regular practice to transition. It helps you get rid of impurities of body, desires of soul, and distractions of mind. Yoga is the performance of every action artfully.

Why should I do yoga for breathing benefit when I breathe every second? This might be your question! The answer is, focusing on breath in yoga can alter 40% of your feelings such as anger, joy, fear and sadness (findings of journal cognition and emotion). Yogic breathing (pranayama), gradually, gives you a long and healthy life. ‘Prana’ means breath and ‘ayama’ means control. Pranayama is the art of controlling your breath in way that can stimulate all channels of energy.

“Peace in oneself means peace in the world”

We all know that Yoga is a boon for all of us. But, we are unable to carry out its practice in our day-to-day life. So, let us run through the top 10 health benefits of yoga that will compel you to practice it daily.

Top 10 Health Benefits That Will Compel You Practice Yoga Daily

1. Yoga is for EVERY Body:

Yoga extends open arms for everyone. Unlike other sports, which focuses only on a specific group of clients, yoga can be practiced by any person. Whether you are 15 or 25 or 45 or 65 you can practice yoga. Yoga transforms one’s life into a well-disciplined way.

Does Practising Yoga Make You A Hindu?

In response I’ll ask you a question “Does taking medicine make you a Hindu?” Absolutely NOT! Yoga is a physical and mental practice and there is nothing to do with religion. Yes of course it is a gift of particular religion to humanity.

2. Yoga Reduces Stress:

Do you believe that yoga is an instant stress buster? No! Yoga gives a sense of satisfaction and inner peace which gradually brings down the stress levels, by stimulating your hormones, blood circulation, and nervous system. Managing stress levels tactically helps one to achieve greater heights. ‘One cannot control things happening outside but can control things happening inside’ which ultimately helps you cope with outside happenings.This is the beauty of yoga! Yoga is a holistic healing process and more a spiritual and transformative thing than just physical postures and exercises.

3. Yoga Strengthens Muscles

Everyone wants to have toned abs and arms. Don’t you? Surprisingly, regular practice of yoga strengthens your upper body and gives you toned abs and arms. When you are tired of lifting heavy weights and skull crushers, here is the easiest and simplest way to strengthen your muscle without special equipment. It has an impact on the body only on regular practice. The most important equipment for yoga is your body and mind. Try a few simple asana like Utkatasana (chair pose), Salabhasana (locust pose) and Shirshasana (vertically upside down). Yoga also removes impurities of body and makes you healthy from within.

4.Improves Concentration & Memory Power

According to a study conducted by the University of Illinois, doing yoga for at least 20 minutes daily improves brain function and improves focus on tasks. If you are poor in your studies practice yoga daily for a few minutes and sharpen your brain and excel well in studies. Some of the yoga techniques that stimulate the brain and nervous system are Sarvangasana, Bhujangasana, & Padmasana.

5.Yoga Gives A Flexible Body

When you do a forward bend, do you feel there is an uncomfortable tightness in the back of your legs? Those are warnings that you are not flexible and you are about to damage your body. Now by understanding the importance of flexibility you can know the importance of yoga. You’ll be surprised to see your body being flexible after practising yoga. You can do any kind of work without much pain and restrictions. It also relieves you from joint pains, arthritis, and complex problems of spinal cord. Yoga is a holistic and gradual healing process and has impact only on regular practice. So, you need to carry on enthusiasm of Yoga Day in your daily lifestyle (without excuses). Some of the pose which makes you flexible are Sucirandhrasana (eye of needle pose) and Anjaneyasana (crescent lunge).

6.Maintain Reduces Weight

Losing weight is the biggest task for anyone, today. Doing yoga regularly and consistently helps you balance weight. There are vigorous yoga poses like Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (power yoga) burns more calories. In the beginning, it is not easy to perform power yoga, but remember practice makes a man perfect.

7.Yoga Boosts Confidence

Confident people are awesome, isn’t it? When your inner body and the outer body become strong obviously one’s confidence level is going to rise up. Yoga brings positive energy and enthusiasm in one’s body which in turn, builds great self-confidence. When you have a flexible body, your body doesn’t regret doing any difficult activity. Asanas like Makaraadhomukhasvanasana (forearm plank), Virabhadrasana (warrior), Utkatasana (chair pose) are useful here.

8.Yoga Gives a Holistic Health

Yoga works on both inner and outer body. Without spending much on health, one can take care of his body and mind through everyday yoga. It’s a proven fact that yoga has numerous health benefits. Many big personalities around the world practice yoga to manage their stress and build confidence. It removes toxins from your body and improves your immunity.

9.Multi-Dimensional Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has different styles which suit for a different purpose. Example, not all Asanas strengthen muscles. So you need to choose the one which you need. There are different categories like Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga which gives different benefits. But, these are the advanced Yogasana which must be practiced in the guidance of a Yoga Guru.

10.Yoga Gives A Healthy Heart       

The bad thing is that today there is no particular age at which people get heart attack. Even at the age of 20 youth fall prey to heart attack due to unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, and work stress. But the good thing is that, doing yoga can save you from such attacks. Few stretches itself simply reduces blood pleasure, reduces cholesterol and improves blood circulation. Try a few simple poses like Virabhadrasana, Utthitahastapadasana and Tadasana.

Side Effects of Yoga

Generally, Yoga doesn’t have side-effects unless you practice in a wrong way.

1. Injuries & Sprain

When you don’t find a good Yoga Teacher or when you start with a Wrong Yoga Pose, then probably you’re in the list of probable injuries or sprain. Not every Yogasana is suitable for beginners. For example, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga cannot be performed by a beginner. But, if you force yourself to attempt such asana, probably you might be injured.

If you don’t find a good yoga teacher, then there is a chance of teaching wrong poses for the wrong person. Ultimately you will be on the losing side. Sometimes even a good yoga teacher may not understand your body and mislead you with wrong poses.

No one except you knows your body. So listen to what your body says. If you feel any pain in your body then stop doing yoga as Yoga is a smooth transitioning process and it cannot give pain. Change your instructor or tell your problem.

2. Yoga Removes Rigidness

Lifting a 5 kg dumbbell from the first day till 10th day will not build your muscle. You must increase your weight of dumbbell when you’re comfortable with the present weight. Likewise in yoga, you should not practice the same pose for a long time. When you are comfortable with the present pose then try for next difficult pose.

‘Doing the same thing, again and again, does not fetch you different results’

– Albert Einstein.

So, flexibility in the body can be attained only when you move out of your comfort zone.

3. Sexual Harassment by Yoga Teacher

If you are new and especially female, probably a Yoga Instructor can intimidate you sexually in order to teach Yoga. If you sense anything foul, change your Yoga Teacher. Yoga doesn’t have any such pose that makes you vulnerable to sexual harassment. It’s your responsibility to analyse whether you are being abused. ‘Mind full of disturbances is not Yoga’. If you feel you are surrounded by negativity then definitely you are not going to gain anything from practicing such Yoga.

4. Over- Aggressiveness

Yoga is not equivalent to your gym work out. You have to realise it before even starting yoga. In fact, it’s quite opposite. But when you misunderstand yoga, there arises a problem. There are some people who are in want of immediate results and work aggressively. If you believe so, Yoga may bore you soon. Yoga makes mind calm and peaceful. It removes aggressiveness that you practice to make muscles.

5. So, Will You Leave Daily Yoga Practice Again?

Consistency is the only key to get maximum benefits and noticeable changes through practice of Yoga. So, how can you leave Yoga midway? Don’t you want to see changes in yourself? Yoga is a consistent practice that will heal your mind, control your anger, remove toxins from body, and make your body flexible. So, don’t you want these things? Reach your highest potential with consistent Yoga.


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